Well, again, I am in awe of how fast time flies when you have a little one. Hutton turned 10 months yesterday and I just can't believe it! Oh, and just let me tell you, he is a BIG 10 month old! He weighs 24lbs and is like 31"! I'm already having back issues!
I wish I could report that he's crawling, but he's just not. I'm still kind of okay with it because I know I won't be able to keep up, but at the same time, he's getting really frustrated and trying so hard to go somewhere!! I have a feeling this milestone is not far away. Yesterday he was finally on all fours and moving back and forth! Not only that, but when I went to get him from nap time, he was standing in his crib, chewing on the rail! Haha! He's definitely a biter! Teeth are coming in slowly. He has three and is working on the fourth!
The current law for front facing car seats is that a child must be 20lbs AND 1 year of age. Well, he hit the 20lb mark a LONG time ago so we've been waiting on his 1 year birthday. I have been so excited for this milestone because HE hates riding in his car seat which make road trips exhausting. So yesterday, I finally ordered his front facing car seat. I made that my status on Facebook and got nailed by 15 different people about how they are in the process of changing the law to 2 YEARS OLD!!! The differences in opinion of these people was quite entertaining, I must say. However, I couldn't believe that the day I bought the big boy seat, I also discover the possibility of this law change. I was so frustrated. Regardless of what they are working on, I've decided to flip him around any way. He's SOOO big that he's really uncomfortable in his current seat and I think it will be beneficial for ALL of us!
Just got back from a week in Pikeville! It was AWESOME! My mom and Annie were on Spring Break so we got a lot of quality time in! We are heading back in few weeks for Hillbilly Days. Haha! I gave Craig the choice of the resurrection of Jesus or Hillbilly Days and he chose the festival of mullets! Haha! Should be entertaining! Can't wait! Here are some more pictures!
He is so cute! And about the front facing car seat...since it hasn't become law yet, I say each momma should do what they feel is right for their little one! I couldn't believe how much easier car rides were when we could finally turn that seat around. I saw a post on the What to Expect website where women were basically calling those who turn their child around before they are two bad moms! Zoey is 18 months old and we will NOT be turning hers back to rear facing!