I can't believe it's already been three weeks! Everyone keeps telling me that time flies when you have kids! Boy does it?!? I have to say it's been a roller coaster ride since Hutton arrived! Thankfully, we've had so much help, it's ridiculous! Our families and friends have been such a wonderful support system! We couldn't do this without them! Thank you so much for EVERYTHING!
My incredible husband has been more amazing than ever! His deep love for his family and desire to help where needed has been huge over the last three weeks! It's so fun for me to watch him interact with our new baby boy! He loves that baby so much and I'm so thankful to have him in my life! He is such a wonderful daddy! He has come home everyday this week for lunch and to spend time with Hutton! I love you more than you'll ever know Craig!
After two weeks of visitors and a tremendous amount of hands and help, Craig and I arrived back to reality on Sunday. We were on our own. For the first couple of days, we were pretty exhausted. Hutton was all mixed up and didn't know if it was night or day, which led to extremely long nights and days. However, we are now getting into a rhythm and he's doing much better about sleep more at night and being awake more in the day! We read this book, BabyWise, that helped US out tremendously! I realize that everyday won't be perfect and systematic, but it's nice to have a couple of days where there was a glimpse of hope for a small amount of rest! Here is a picture of him right before bedtime and the awesome swaddle daddy puts him in!
We took Hutton for his two week appointment on Monday. Dr. Hanson says he looks great and was extremely impressed with his neck control! He complimented what a strong boy he was! (Are we surprised? Have you seen my husband?) He weighed in at 9lbs, 8 oz and measured 21inches in length, both being the 73 percentile. Here are some pictures of him on the exam table!
Craig and I feel so blessed to be new parents! Yes we have discovered the challenges and difficulties, but they are so worth that feeling you get when you hold that sweet boy and know he's yours! We love our little man so much!! One last sweet picture of him sleeping peacefully in his crib!